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Fun Games Like Pandanda

. Guest28032324Hmm.I'm thinking Poptropica. You jsut get to explore the different worlds, get clothes from OTHER players.Like copy them off, which is what I REALLY like about Poptropica. It's fun because there a missions and stuff. Hope you try it out!

TRUST ME, I play it with my younger sister ALOT! At first I thought it was gonna be REALLY lame. Now I'm ADDICTED to it! Oh, also this game has membership but it's also fun without it.

It's the Pixie Hollow game with the Disney Fairies and things like that. Hope I helped!:D(1) (0) 6 years, 9 month(s) ago. Guest18144341Yes there is some. (Some of these do have memberships but its not my fault i get it off a friend). Chobots. Neopets. Millsberry.

Games like poptropica and club penguin

Webkinz. Poptropica (to explore and new lands). dizzywood. barbiegirls. munizonlinemoshie monsters is a bit like it but you dont choose what you say ( sometimes you cant speak at all). panfu.

club penguin. tootsville. buildabearville. binweevils.

fantage. flyingguts. habbo (you have to be 12 or over to play)(10) (1) 9 years, 8 month(s) ago. Guest16265691Well, there is a game like pandanda with no membership( FOR REAL CHECK IT OUT ). It's called mydinos.com. I love this game because in there you can battle with your own baby dinosaur(it will evolve so it wont really be a baby dinosaur forever),chat online,meet new friends,battle against others,capture wild dinosaurs,heal your pets at Genes Pool,lots more.

How do I fish?In order to fish you have to have a fishing rod first! Visit Fishy Joe at “Joe’s Bait & Tackle” at the Fishing Hole to buy your rod. Click on Fishy Joe and select the “Buy Items” icon.

Joe’s catalog of purchasable items will come up. Once you have bought a fishing rod you can walk over to the water and click anywhere on the water to cast your line. You should notice that your cursor has changed to a fish. After your line has been cast you will have to wait for a fish to bite. You can tell when a fish is on the line by seeing the red floater dip below the water. Click on the floater when you see it dip and you have caught a fish!

How do I collect stuff?There are all kinds of things to collect in Pandanda; mushrooms, potatoes, onions, litter, gems, treasure chests, and keys to open them. Different things will be available in different locations in the world and new items and special items will be added over time. You can identify the collectable items because they sparkle occasionally. To pick them you need to be close to them so walk your Panda over to the object first. Once you’re close enough you should notice that your cursor changes to the “Paw” icon when your mouse is over the object.

This indicates that you can pick it up. Simply click on the object and it is yours! Everything you collect is added to your backpack. You can click the backpack icon in the lower right corner of your screen to see all of your stuff. How do I sell my stuff?You can make some coins by selling the stuff you have worked so hard to collect.

Fun Games Like Pandanda


To sell your items you will have to locate the various vendors who will buy them. Not all vendors will buy your stuff and most vendors will only buy specific types of things. For instance Joe at the Fishing Hole only buys fish. These vendors can be located anywhere in Pandanda and will have an exclamation mark above their heads to indicate that you can interact with them. Click on the vendor and select the “Sell Items” icon. Where can I buy clothes for my Panda?There are a number of catalogs of goods in Pandanda.

If you’re interested in buying clothes for your Panda the best place to do that is in the “Clothing Co.” store in East Market Street. Click on the snazzy dressed “Fitch” behind the counter with an exclamation mark above his head and choose the t-shirt icon from the circle menu. In addition to the clothes catalog various vendors around Pandanda may have a few items of clothes to sell you. You’ll have to keep an eye out for them as they sometimes only make special visits. Where can I buy furniture for my tree house?Furniture can be purchased from the House&Tree catalog.

The catalog is conveniently located in your tree house. You have to be in edit mode to access it however. First, travel to your tree house by clicking on the house icon on the main menu at the bottom of your screen. Next, click on the hammer and saw icon on the upper right side of the screen.

Games Like Poptropica And Club Penguin

The House&Tree catalog should appear in the upper right corner of your screen. In addition to the House&Tree catalog various vendors around Pandanda my have a few items for your tree house for sale. You’ll have to keep and eye out for them as they sometimes only make special visits. Why do only some of the games show up in my games list?Multiplayer games that you play with your friends like Line Four and Pen the Pig are located around Pandanda Land. You can play them anytime by walking up to a game board and clicking on it. These games will not show up in your Games list.Single player games that you play on your own like Dragon's Treasure are also found around Pandanda Land.

Once you have played a single player game for the first time it will be added to your Games list. After that you can play the game anytime by clicking on it from the Games list. Can other Pandas visit my tree house?Yes! But you have to unlock your tree house first. To unlock your tree house go to your tree house by clicking on the “house” icon on the main menu bar.

Games Like Moshi Monsters And Club Penguin

Once you are in your tree house click on the “key” icon on the right hand side of the screen. If the key icon shows a door in the middle of it then you know your tree house is unlocked. If you want to lock it again just click on the same key icon and the small door on the key will be closed showing that it is locked. How do I ignore a player?If another player is bothering you and you would like them to go away you can click on them and choose “ignore player” from the circle menu.You will get a confirmation dialog asking if you're sure you want to ignore the player. If you say yes, the player will disappear from yourexperience in the game.

You can always un-ignore the player later if you want to see them in the game again. Ignored players names are addedto your ignore list which you can access by clicking the 'friends' icon (looks like two pandas) on the menu bar. Click on the ignore playericon at the top of the menu to see a list of ignored players. Simply click on the player's name you wish to un-ignore and they will reappearin your game experience again.

If you happen to be in the same location as the panda you just un-ignored you will need to leave the locationand return to it to see the freshly un-ignored player.